pharmaceutical executives bribed doctors to prescribe dangerous fentanyl 06/22 by Brian The Hammer Jackson | News

pharmaceutical executives bribed doctors to prescribe dangerous fentanyl 06/22 by Brian The Hammer Jackson | News

pharmaceutical executives bribed doctors to prescribe dangerous fentanyl 06/22 by Brian The Hammer Jackson | News

Are you on any kind of pain medicine? You might want to listen to this. Money, dinners, and strip clubs: How pharmaceutical executives bribed doctors to prescribe dangerous fentanyl drugs..A former sales VP for a pharmaceutical company who was sentenced to the prison tells he bribed doctors to prescribe fentanyl drugs. Nearly 70,000 Americans die each year from drug overdoses, mostly from opioids. As has reported, the explosion in both the demand and supply of pharmaceutical opioids began with the aggressive marketing of narcotics to treat chronic pain. Now, we reveal the story of the powerfully addictive, fast-acting opioid, fentanyl. Our year-long investigation, which concluded just as the coronavirus was spreading, uncovered the playbook of sales practices that triggered an explosion of prescriptions. We will introduce you to two insiders on different sides of the law: a top opioid salesman whose rise and fall spanned the epidemic, but first federal agent Greg Tremaglio, who in 2003 saw the crisis coming and tried to stop it.

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