Posts Tagged: Safe Treatment

Some drugs for depression, colds, high blood pressure, anxiety and others- linked to Dementia!

Some drugs for depression, colds, high blood pressure, anxiety and others- linked to Dementia!

March 2, 2021 Harvard Health Publishing – Harvard Medical School Two common classes of drugs have been linked to dementia. Fortunately, there are alternatives to both. Image: Thinkstock If you’re worried about developing dementia, you’ve probably memorized the list of things you should do to minimize your risk—eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting adequate …

Paid to Show the Drug Works: Why “Blind” Clinical Trials for New Drugs are Far Less Blind Than They Should Be – Pro Market

Paid to Show the Drug Works: Why “Blind” Clinical Trials for New Drugs are Far Less Blind Than They Should Be – Pro Market

New research shows that physicians in industry-sponsored trials are more captured by pharmaceutical companies than physicians in unsponsored ones. Economists love health care because it is a classic example of “information asymmetry”: patients do not know what treatment they need, how much it should cost, or which tests will properly diagnose them. Instead, patients have …

How to Check Out a Doctor for Medical Malpractice

How to Check Out a Doctor for Medical Malpractice

by Trisha Torrey ( Checking a doctor’s history of malpractice suits and disciplinary actions can help guide you in choosing a doctor. When you need difficult medical testing or treatment, you must choose your doctor wisely. You’ll want to do some research about the doctor to be sure his credentials, experience, and abilities to meet your needs. The following …

Doctors in seven states charged with prescribing pain killers for cash, sex – Washington Post

Doctors in seven states charged with prescribing pain killers for cash, sex – Washington Post

Dozens of medical professionals in seven states were charged Wednesday with participating in the illegal prescribing of more than 32 million pain pills, including doctors who prosecutors said traded sex for prescriptions and a dentist who unnecessarily pulled teeth from patients to justify giving them opioids. The 60 people indicted include 31 doctors, seven pharmacists, …